Steps and Tricks You Can Use That’ll Make The Walk Go Smoother Do you get home from your hard day at work, say hi to your canine friend and then get the leash? Does your dog begin running around in circles, jumping up and down? You finally get the leash on them, get them outside […]

Dogs are one most favorite pet of many pet lovers. So, it is always important for any pet owner to choose the dog breed that best matches his lifestyle and home requirements. I mean a dog owner choose the dog breed according to the space he has for his dog in his home. For instance, […]

At one time or another, a dog owner will find it necessary to train a dog to change its certain behaviors and manners. In this case, dog training will be invaluable and it is only in using the right training techniques that you can be able to make the dog understand what is right, what […]

As dogs get older and start slowing down, they still need to exercise to keep their blood pumping and heart racing! You should also consult with the vet for tips on how to care and help your dog with exercise. Your best friend can still do the same thing they’ve always done as to when […]

Our pet dog will at some point show us a behavior that we will need to train him out of. Sometimes our dog barks too much, he may enjoy jumping on your mother in law, Fido might enjoying chewing on your guest or perhaps he rather enjoys driving you mad when he ignores you when […]

Training your dog boils down to one concept-associating pleasure with good behaviour. By that, I mean rewards and positive response from you quickly trains a dog to behave in the desired way in order to win those rewards and positive reactions. This dog training concept extends to dogs which, for whatever reason, react in fear […]