Heartworm is a disease that could take you by surprise. Before starting any treatment for heartworm you should first know how the disease acts. If your dog gets the disease it is in great danger as the worm is known to be fatal in most untreated cases. In dogs, it takes about six months before […]

We all love our dogs. They very quickly become part of the family and win their way into our homes and heart. You obviously have a dog or are looking to get a new one. You know when you find the right one for you and your family, but what you are not ready for […]

As dogs get older and start slowing down, they still need to exercise to keep their blood pumping and heart racing! You should also consult with the vet for tips on how to care and help your dog with exercise. Your best friend can still do the same thing they’ve always done as to when […]

The term ‘heart attack’ only applies to humans, right? Wrong. Dogs suffer from heart attacks too. This is why it is important for the pet’s owner to understand just what causes this condition, how to recognize the signs, and ways that they can help prevent this illness from occurring. This way, they can possibly prevent […]

Many people love the idea of owning a dog but one thing that they have to keep in mind often times, is that the dog needs to be trained. While the pet may look heart-breakingly cute when it’s in a shelter or at the pound, picking out the dog is only the first part of […]

This eBook Is For People Who Want The Cure For “Dog Separation Anxiety Disorder” NOW !!! If you cringe when you try to leave your home because your dog whines, cries and tears your home to shreds, you must read this important letter… “Does it break your heart to hear your dog cry when you […]