Steps and Tricks You Can Use That’ll Make The Walk Go Smoother Do you get home from your hard day at work, say hi to your canine friend and then get the leash? Does your dog begin running around in circles, jumping up and down? You finally get the leash on them, get them outside […]

One of the common topics that dog owners is concerned with is how to stop dog biting. There are many reasons why a dog would bite a human being or another animal. It may do so because it is scared and it is just acting out in defense. Some canines want to display dominance and […]

To communicate with each other, dogs use body language and guttural sounds, such as barks and growls. When they first meet, dogs use their body language to assess where each ranks in the pack order. Signs of dominance and confidence are a stiff body, head and ears up, hackles up and tail up. Signs of […]

Training your boxer dog will be a more enjoyable and successful experience if you understand the peculiarities of the breed. Different dog breeds require different approaches to training to get the best out of them. If you are not prepared, you might become frustrated and discourage by the resistance your Boxer will put up in […]

Despite their cute appearance, English bulldog puppies can sometimes be aggressive, and this needs to be nipped in the bud as early as possible, preferably before those big jaws and teeth do any real damage. English bulldogs act aggressive out of fear or because of their perceived dominance in your family. Bulldogs who fear strangers […]

In the ancient days dogs were considered as the best animal for hunting as well as guarding, but with time man found that dogs were their best friend and they showered their utmost loyalty towards their masters. Their smartness, bravery and faithfulness made man think about his health and training. Dog training in Orlando is […]