To communicate with each other, dogs use body language and guttural sounds, such as barks and growls. When they first meet, dogs use their body language to assess where each ranks in the pack order. Signs of dominance and confidence are a stiff body, head and ears up, hackles up and tail up. Signs of […]

Fundamentally, dog training is about communication. From the human perspective, the trainer is communicating to the dog what behaviours are correct, desired, or preferred in what circumstances and what behaviours are undesirable. A trainer must understand communication from the dog. The dog can signal that he is unsure, confused, nervous, happy, excited, and so on. […]

Many dog owners do not use dog training hand signals in their daily training but as most professional trainers would agree, the very first thing that precedes every successful puppy training is building relationship with our dog. But the question is how we do just that? It is not secret that our hairy friend does […]