Steps and Tricks You Can Use That’ll Make The Walk Go Smoother Do you get home from your hard day at work, say hi to your canine friend and then get the leash? Does your dog begin running around in circles, jumping up and down? You finally get the leash on them, get them outside […]

In order to bring your dog to its fullest potential and deepen that bond between canine and human, proper training is vital. All dogs evolved from wolves and still have the instinct of following the Alpha dog. As a result of this, it is very important for the dog to view the owner as the […]

So you’ve got a brand new dog or maybe you’re just sick and tired of having a dog who just won’t behave. This isn’t uncommon, there are plenty of canine owners who try to train their pet only to result in total and utter failure. I bet many of you dog lovers like me have […]

Nothing gives your dog greater pleasure than to be taken for a walk outside. This is a great time to bond with your dog and work on your dog training classes, however, most owners don’t enjoy taking their dogs for a walk. And that’s because they’re not taking the dog for a walk-the dog is […]