People typically have more tolerance for a sweet-looking pet which might hinder them from starting Bichon Frise Training right away. Although it is reasonable to allow your cuddly companion to roam around and investigate its new surroundings, dog training must still remain high on the priority list. Give a day or two for adjustment, after […]

Having a pet like dog at your home needs several thoughts before you could actually have one at your home. There are lot many things and responsibilities that come with the dogs and your responsibilities don’t just end up with feeding the dog alone, taking them out for a short walk or something like that. […]

Parvovirus is a disease that dogs contact very easily if not vaccinated against it. Pups are the most vulnerable for this disease that has created one of the most severe dog health problems. The disease is brought about by a virus that is considered a mutation of the distemper virus. However, the drug companies have […]