Have you started to notice your dog itching and scratching more than normal? Is the itching creating wide open sores and loss of hair on your pet? If so, this is a pretty good indication that your dog may possibly be distressed by dog allergies. Dogs don’t have the normal red eyes and a runny […]

The act of chewing seems to be a matter of individual preference among dogs: some have an innate desire to chew as a pleasurable activity in itself, and some seem to have no need to chew whatsoever unless they’re driven to it out of sheer boredom. The phrase “destructive chewing” may sound redundant, because – […]

Good dog owners are always bothered with this tricky question – what is the best dog food? Choosing the right one is exhausting task, because shelves of supermarkets and pet stores are full of pet food. But the truth is that canned, dry or semi-moist products aren’t the best dog food. Don’t fall for the […]

Pet identification and proper dog training is highly required in these days especially if you do not want your dog to go astray or being taken away by the authorities. Therefore, if you are a lover of dogs and own a loving pet; you would certainly need good dog collars for your dog. The dog […]

Steps and Tricks You Can Use That’ll Make The Walk Go Smoother Do you get home from your hard day at work, say hi to your canine friend and then get the leash? Does your dog begin running around in circles, jumping up and down? You finally get the leash on them, get them outside […]

The early life of a puppy is extremely important. How the owner deals with this early period will have a huge impact on the characteristic and behavioral development of the puppy. Because the puppy is still young, it learns quickly. This is why we have to use this time to properly teach the puppy of […]

When choosing your pet dog collar type for ones puppy, you need to be sure that you receive the correct kind. There are numerous choices to choose from additionally, the best one depends on numerous factors. Only one aspect to consider with the purchase of your dog training collar is the actual measurements your dog. […]

Pet Loss and Grieving People who’re not pet lovers are shocked to find out how much grief pet lovers feel once they lose a pet. But if you have ever loved a pet and been loved by a pet, you’ll understand how the mourning process for the loss of a pet is really a you […]

Traditional dog fences are passe – they restrain freedom and movement, thereby suffocating your pet. An ideal pet fence is the one that protects your pet without suffocating them. The electric pet fence deserves a mention here. It scores over traditional fences in more ways than one. First up – it is aesthetically appealing. It […]

For us humans, it can be a bit difficult to identify with the doggie habit of licking one another in greeting. We don’t do it, after all, and though our tongues come in handy for things like ice-cream eating and sucking that last dollop of peanut butter off the knife, we certainly wouldn’t welcome a […]