Getting Started Training Your Puppy CLICK HERE To Get A FREE Training Course! Training a puppy can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Not only does it help create a strong bond between you and your pup, but it also helps them learn important life skills. When done correctly, puppy training can also help prevent behavioral […]

CLICK HERE To Get A FREE Training Course 1. Establish a routine for your puppy. This includes feeding times, potty breaks, and learning sessions 2. Socialize your pup early. Introduce them to other dogs and people in a safe, supervised environment. 3. Use positive reinforcement. Offer treats, affection, and verbal rewards when your pup behaves […]

3 Easy To Teach Dog Tricks To teach your dog tricks even easy ones you need to have some small reward treats, be in a quiet suitable place and keep the training sessions to 10 – 15 minutes or your dog will start to get board, remember when he gets something right lots of praise […]

********************** Click To Start NOW ▶▶ ◀◀◀◀◀◀ ********************** Visit Our Website: The Best Way To Potty Train A Puppy video where you get Puppy Potty Training and Dog Potty Training advice and tips. Potty training your dog can be a frustrating task but patience and consistency can be great tools for a better […]

Owning a pet dog like a dachshund and training a dachshund is a big responsibility. Another responsibility is to train your dachshund and make it well-mannered. The dachshunds are known to be independent dogs; they make their own decisions and don’t like anybody to command them. So training a dachshund is not an easy job […]

When families get a dog and bring him into the home, he is not just a pet to watch the house or guard property but a member of the family. As a member of the family, there are rules that should be followed. One basic rule is to keep the home clean. This is where […]

One of the most important components to your pups house training is control. Regardless of your life style there will always be times when you’ll need a place where your dog can stay and be happy and content by himself. Crate training is the best option for dog owners whom want well trained dogs. There […]

The origin of Shih Tzu lacks clear delineation. There are different theories about its origin. The most popular among them is that the breed was introduced from Tibet to China; and imported to England and Norway in the 30s. A Shih Tzu carries himself proudly with happy mood; always sweet in nature he is less […]

Dog training can be both very enjoyable or very aggravating. What I try to focus on is the enjoyable part of training. If you know the basics and follow them, training your puppy will be an enjoyable experience for you and your puppy. The first step in training should be to crate train your puppy. […]

Many times when you first have new puppies in the house, you are confused as to which direction to take in training them to be good dogs and not misbehaving ones. Seek out some help though. Where to Get Help? Veterinarians can give you advice on many aspects of training and carrying for your puppies. […]