In addition to training our canine friends, we all need training in how to use our dog poop bags for picking up dog waste. We have been using dog waste bags for so long and always in the same way, that we can’t even imagine something different. However, there is a better way! And we […]

Who Else Wants to Know How to Stop Dog Flatulence Fast! If you ever had the unfortunate experience to be in the presence of dog with gas, you know that it’s enough to knock you over. How did something so nasty and foul get inside your dog? I don’t know which is worst the silent […]

Dogs are the most preferred species of the animals as pets by humans. Many people consider them as one of the family member. Many breeds of dogs are adopted by the people as their companions. Proper care has to be taken if one plans to adopt a dog. Just like human beings dogs are prone […]

Do you know that dog skin is more sensitive compared to human skin? So, scratching on your dog skin can cause serious health problems to your dog health. Scratching my be due to different problem which normally includes, fatigue, stress or change in life style and if not treated it leads to more complication such […]

Like us human beings, dogs are also affected by many worms that are internal parasites. These worms infest the intestines of dogs and create many dog health problems. Therefore you need to treat your dog regularly against these worms. There are lots of medications that are prescribed by veterinarians to control worms in dogs. When […]

Parasites are a major concern with dogs. They cause some major dog health problems. Parasite problems in dogs are divided into two categories. One is the internal parasites and the other is the external parasites. Both types of parasites cause a lot of dog health problems but the external parasites could be seen most often. […]

When you need to have a pet at home, you need to decide what type of dog you are going to have. Selecting a pup of the correct breed is important in preventing dog health problems. The reason is that some dogs need more care while there are others that do not need that much […]