Cats love to groom themselves, and will often spend hours preening and cleaning their fur. Cats even have small hooks on their tongue which are especially designed to preen their fur and keep themselves clean.[1] At times, however, your cat’s coat may get into such a state that no amount of preening will resolve the […]

The best advice for keeping your dog healthy, educate yourself on the individual needs and health issue for your dog and listen to your vet. Getting your dog used to car rides is a good way to reduce stress on vet days. This will help your vet accurately monitor your dog’s health. Dog health care […]

Most of the canine owners associate the good health of their pooches with shiny, glossy, dandruff-free coat. But dog health extends much beyond a glistening coat. A dog’s health depends to a great extent on the canine owner. Periodic check-up with the vet, ensuring a healthy, nutritious diet, grooming, keeping the dogs well hydrated, and […]