“We recently adopted a dog who seems really shy around people and other dogs. Will he always be afraid?” That question was recently posed to me and it’s a common concern for a dog with that temperament. Fear is a delicate issue with our dogs. It’s easy to make a dog afraid of things, and […]

Grooming is important for the health of your pet, and frequent ear cleaning can help to avoid painful ear infections. Ciara Black is a Global Animal contributor from the Dog Help Network, a resource for dog health related websites. Read on for ear infection symptoms, causes, and remedies. Dog ear infections are very uncomfortable for […]

A national Valentine’s Day campaign was launched today to pressure politicians to close down puppy mills in Canada. The letter-writing campaign was inspired by Ruby, a survivor of a puppy mill whose health was seriously compromised by six caged years of life in a mill as a breeding dog. Ruby, who was rescued by campaign […]