How To Stop Separation Anxiety Separation anxiety is a very stressful behavioral issue that effects a huge percentage of the dog population, possibly as high as 14%. It is one of the most misunderstood issues with people trying to treat it by approaching it from a human point of view and failing to see the […]

Training Your Dog to Listen to You Why Won’t My Dog Listen To Me? This is a common question that most first-time Dog owners ask me. Before I answer your question, let me ask you a few instead: Do you use cookies, collars, head halters or clickers to make your Dog listen to your commands? […]

House training your new puppy is one of the first things you need to do when bringing him into your home. Unfortunatly in the beginning your new puppy does not know where the right place to do his business is. There are a variety of dog training programmes to teach your puppy, but with any […]

House training your puppy can take several weeks, with some breeds it can take even longer, but is imperative in order to minimize house and den soiling incidents. The best manner in which to housetrain your puppy is to establish a routine. You should take him outside on a consistent and frequent schedule, having an […]

Puppies usually require encased small places in order to sense safe and sound. Crating is effective for the reason that puppy can feel secure in the own personal place. Many believe that crating is much like putting the puppy inside prison. In cases like this, you shouldn’t make use of the crate in order to […]

The best time to begin training your puppy is at the very beginning. It is easier to learn the right way to do things the first time than to have to unlearn bad habits first. The first thing you will need to do after buying your puppy is to take it home. The safest way […]