A Guide to Calming Your New Puppy’s Nighttime Cries


stop puppy crying at night

Stop Your Puppy Crying at Night

Welcoming a new puppy into your home is a heartwarming experience, but it’s not without its challenges. One common struggle many puppy owners face is dealing with nighttime crying. Fortunately, there are effective strategies to help your new furry friend settle into their new environment and sleep peacefully through the night. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll provide valuable insights and actionable tips on how to stop a new puppy from crying at night.

How do I get my new puppy to stop whining?

Puppies use whining as a way to communicate their needs and feelings. To address this behavior, consider the following techniques:

1. Create a Cozy Sleeping Space: Designate a quiet, comfortable sleeping area for your puppy. Use a crate or a soft bed to provide a sense of security.

2. Introduce a Bedtime Routine: Establish a consistent routine before bedtime. Engage in calming activities such as gentle play, a short walk, and a bathroom break.

3. Gradual Separation Training: Help your puppy get accustomed to spending time alone by gradually increasing the time you’re apart during the day. This minimizes separation anxiety at night.

4. Provide Comforting Items: Place a warm water bottle wrapped in a blanket or a soft toy in their sleeping area. This simulates the warmth and presence of their littermates, soothing their anxiety.

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How long does it take for a new puppy to stop crying?

The duration it takes for a new puppy to stop crying varies widely based on factors like breed, age, and individual temperament. Some puppies adjust within a few nights, while others may take a few weeks. Consistency in your approach, patience, and understanding are crucial during this transition.

Should you ignore a crying puppy?

Ignoring a crying puppy might seem challenging, but it can be an effective strategy to teach them self-soothing skills:

1. Rule Out Basic Needs: Ensure your puppy’s needs are met before attempting to ignore their cries. They might be hungry, need to eliminate, or be uncomfortable.

2. Use the Gradual Extinction Method: Gradual extinction involves increasing the time between when your puppy starts crying and when you respond. This helps them learn that crying doesn’t result in immediate attention.

3. Remain Consistent: Avoid giving in to your puppy’s cries, as inconsistent responses can reinforce the behavior. Stick to your approach and provide positive reinforcement when they remain calm.

Is it normal for new puppies to cry a lot?

Yes, it’s completely normal for new puppies to cry, especially during their first nights in a new environment. Puppies often miss the comfort of their littermates and might feel anxious in unfamiliar surroundings. As they become more accustomed to their new home and routine, their crying should gradually decrease.


Helping your new puppy adjust to their new surroundings and ensuring restful nights requires patience and dedication. By creating a comfortable sleeping space, introducing a bedtime routine, and employing gradual separation techniques, you can effectively curb your puppy’s nighttime cries. Remember that every puppy is unique, so it’s essential to tailor your approach to their individual needs. With time, love, and consistency, your furry companion will learn to feel safe and secure, allowing both of you to enjoy peaceful nights together.

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Puppy Crying at Night? Here’s How to Stop It!

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