There are many reasons a dog engages in biting and chewing behavior. Dog Psychology Center trainer Todd Langston explains and gives tips on how to stop it. CLICK HERE for 5 FREE Videos That Reveal How To Cure Your Dogs Worse Behaviors! Puppies spend a great deal of time playing, chewing and investigating objects. All […]

How To Stop Separation Anxiety Separation anxiety is a very stressful behavioral issue that effects a huge percentage of the dog population, possibly as high as 14%. It is one of the most misunderstood issues with people trying to treat it by approaching it from a human point of view and failing to see the […]

Training Your Dog to Listen to You Why Won’t My Dog Listen To Me? This is a common question that most first-time Dog owners ask me. Before I answer your question, let me ask you a few instead: Do you use cookies, collars, head halters or clickers to make your Dog listen to your commands? […]