One of the great joys of life is acquiring a new dog. Whether it is a lively fun seeking puppy or a mature dog from a rescue centre there is the excitement of collecting the dog and the eager anticipation of the pleasures of dog ownership to come. But how can you ensure a long […]

Dogs love to bark. To non dog lovers, barking is a form of nuisance. You may have at one point in time received complaints from your neighbors about your dog’s barking. It can be very worrisome. Before you embark on dog barking training, it is important to understand why dogs bark. Dogs bark for the […]

Next to barking, digging is a typical behavior that most dogs will display. The problem with digging is that it can cause serious damage to your properties. If you house your dogs in your apartment, they may burrow through your belongings or furniture. This damages your valuable items and causes a huge mess in your […]

Nothing gives your dog greater pleasure than to be taken for a walk outside. This is a great time to bond with your dog and work on your dog training classes, however, most owners don’t enjoy taking their dogs for a walk. And that’s because they’re not taking the dog for a walk-the dog is […]

Dog owners have many methods of training their dogs to choose from today. A number of these methods use only positive reinforcement; others utilize positive and negative reinforcement while others use incentives like treats. The difference in dog training techniques mainly lies in the specific procedures and commands that the dog is being trained. The […]